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The Best Dumb Phones (for Getting Back in Touch With Reality)
When does the Punkt MC02 come out?
New phone by Punkt offers mindful connectivity (it also defends privacy and tracks carbon)
PUNKT MC02 Is a Minimalist Mobile Mindful of Your Privacy
Punkt MC02 with all-new Apostrophy OS now available for pre-order (and I just pre-ordered one!)
‘Dumbphones’ make a comeback: ‘No one calls me anymore’
Take 5: Minimalist Phone, Modern Playground, Delft Blue Tunnel + More
The dumb phone: what it is, why it’s trending, and how it remains a utopia
Eureka 336: Apostrophy
Review: Punkt MP02 zorgt ervoor dat je minder met je telefoon bezig bent
10 Things That Delighted Us Last Week
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