Who serves who?

Digital Addict
My name is Will. I am 37 years old. I am a father of four, a husband to one, and I am a digital addict.

Dealingwithmajorlove / haterelationshipwithtechnology. Dothesegadgets still serve us, or is it more the other way around?

Do these gadgets still serve us, or is it more the other way around? My growing disillusion with technology lead me to this post this question on Twitter. It is more than a question – it is a big unflattering mirror in a well-lit room that reminds me of how addicted I am to my iPhone. I found this question, in all places, at a technology company’s website. The company is called Punkt., and they make, among other things, a dumbphone. That’s right, a dumbphone.

It’s called the MP01: No internet. No apps. No camera. No maps. Just a phone. That does phone calls. And a few other things. On their website, Punkt. states that they believe in creating “outstanding, timeless products designed to do their job, without intruding on their owner’s time and attention”. That sentence just sold me. Sign me up.

I’m setting out on a little experiment. A digital detox. I hope this experiment can help start a conversation – about how technology can serve us. Not the other wayaround.

Will Otto

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