Design Programme kick-off at the University of Art and Design Basel, HGK
On Tuesday September 24th Punkt. travelled to Aarau in Switzerland to initiate a semester long design programme with eighteen 2nd year students at the Industrial Design Faculty of the University of Art and Design Basel, HGK.
For the duration of the semester the students will be supervised by their course instructor, Sven Adolf, as they tackle two main challenges, which are:
- To create a feasible design proposal for a new communication device;
- To design a mock-up for a consumer electronic accessory.
Petter Neby, the company's founder, began the day with a presentation in which he illustrated the history of Punkt., from his personal account of growing up in Norway, to his quest for simplicity, to the idea of establishing his own consumer electronic start-up, to the enrollment of the famed minimalist designer Jasper Morrison as the company's art director.
In his presentation Neby also spoke about the importance of product longevity in response to the need to counter today's throw-away culture. Neby explained that the combination of essential designs and materials of enduring quality is central to Punkt. and the relevance of modern day consumer goods.
Neby's closing message ‘don't design to be seen' was made with the aim of helping students focus on an approach which puts function above form in the design process, without forgetting ‘who' you are actually designing for.
The next meeting with the students in Aarau will take place mid-term when they will present to Punkt. their work so far before consigning their final proposals in December, stay with us to find out more.