MP02 wins a Japanese Good Design Award 2020
We are thrilled to announce that the MP 02 has won a revered Japanese ‘Good Design Award 2020’. Recognised within Good Design’s ‘Best 100’, the MP 02 has won in the Cameras, Mobile phones and Tablets category.
With its up-to-the-minute styling designed by Jasper Morrison and elegant and efficient minimalist interface.
“uniquely pleasant perspective on the world, with a compact size and weight that makes it comfortable to hold, and careful consideration given to ambient noise and the tactile sensation of the buttons”. - the judges about the MP02’s.
The awards continue to explain the choice by saying:
“We thought the splendid way in which the MP 02 design expresses subtle concepts was deserving of high praise. Amid a situation in which products are often produced on the basis of technical specs, the fact that it has the theme of the ideal comfortable lifestyle driving the development of the specs for this product could become a catalyst that gives us fresh insights and options. The true design hidden within this product is the question of what constitutes an appropriate distance from information.”
Thank you, Good Design Awards, we could not agree more, and we are honoured to have this acclamation in Japan where the national appreciation of design is acknowledged throughout the world.
See what the judges said about the MP02 here.
To see the exhibition:
Schedule: Thursday, October 1 through Tuesday, November 3
Venue: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub (5F Midtown Tower,9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
この度、栄えある「グッドデザイン賞2020」をMP 02が受賞しました。
MP 02は、カメラ・携帯電話・タブレットの分類で「グッドデザイン・ベスト100」に選出されました。
ジャスパー・モリソンがデザインした最新のスタイリングと、エレガントで効率的なミニマルなインターフェイスが特徴のMP 02は、「本体はコンパクトなサイズや重量、握り心地、ボタンの感触や環境音など徹底した、独自の心地よい世界観をつくっており、繊細なコンセプトをデザインで見事に表現した点を高く評価した」とされました。
審査員の皆様に感謝します、これ以上適切な評価は望めません! 日本という国は、デザインに対する理解が深いことで、世界的にも有名です。その日本での受賞は、とても光栄な事です。
スケジュール: 10月1日(木)~11月3日(火)
会場: 東京ミッドタウン・デザインハブ(東京都港区赤坂9-7-1 ミッドタウン・タワー5階)