Are you feeling overwhelmed by constant connectivity? At Punkt., we believe in the power of digital minimalism to help you reclaim your focus and live a more intentional life. This section provides inspiration, practical tips, and resources to help you switch to a simpler, more balanced relationship with technology.
Punkt. was launched in 2008. In 2010 we launched our first product, a landline telephone. People thought we were mad.
Scroll forward a decade and – with 10% of the UK on antidepressants – people are starting to take a long hard look at the way we live; in particular, whether the “always on” lifestyle, the avalanche of convenience, really serves us as human beings. In particular, there has been a surge of interest in the subject from people in their twenties who are challenging the dehumanising system they have been born into.
The good news? It’s not too late to take back control. You can still function seamlessly in modern society without being tethered to an all-in-one device—but it requires a conscious decision and a bit of planning to step away from the conveyor belt of constant connectivity.
If you are curious to learn more about how you can further simplify your digital life, we invite you to explore of our detailed guides on living with less tech: