Switching to a balanced relationship with technology

The convenience of modern technology can be a hassle. Being ‘always connected’ actually leaves us disconnected.

The MP02 is an elegant voicephone that doubles as a Wi-Fi hotspot. This video gives a brief overview of why it makes sense.


Finding a balance

Punkt. was launched in 2008. In 2010 we launched our first product, a landline telephone. People thought we were mad.

Scroll forward a decade and – with 10% of the UK on antidepressants – people are starting to take a long hard look at the way we live; in particular, whether the “always on” lifestyle, the avalanche of convenience, really serves us as human beings. In particular, there has been a surge of interest in the subject from people in their twenties who are challenging the dehumanising system they have been born into.

It’s not too late to get the upgrade: it is still totally possible to function in modern society without an omnidevice welded to your soul. But it does take a bit of planning, in order to be able to step off the conveyor belt.


Easy first steps

  • No computers (including smartphones) in the bedroom; get an alarm clock.
  • Build the concept of the “digital sundown” into your life: put the gadgets away an hour or two before bedtime.
  • If you use social media, start reining it in:
    • restrict times you access it
    • delete social media apps from your smartphone, if you have one
    • tighten privacy settings
    • start purging your list of contacts/’friends’
  • Phone calls are often much more efficient than text exchanges. Maybe start experimenting with a few people in your life, using phone calls alongside text-based conversations, e.g. for arranging times to meet.
  • Keep informing yourself about technology. The Punkt. Library is a good place to start, even if you just read through the publishers’ summaries.
  • Ask yourself whether technology is filling some kind of hole in your life, that could be addressed more effectively in other ways.
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