Project update: Punkt. for Japan

We are delighted to announce that this winter the 800 surviving residents of Akahama Temporary Housing Complex in Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture can fully benefit from the covered alley which Punkt. helped fund with the profits from the 'Punkt. for Japan' project supporting Architecture for Humanity in northeast Japan.

The winters in Akahama are incredibly cold and the covered alley improves the communications between families and provides accessibility between the upper and lower housing units of the complex. The stairs and roof have been designed to reflect the traditional architecture of the Japanese joinery and are made of local materials.

Community leader, Mr. Okamoto, told AfH that the first set of the covered stairs was very useful during the snowy winter. He also mentioned that everybody appreciates the high quality of work and its beauty in their dreary temporary housing complex.

Let's hope residents can enjoy the comfort and shelter of the alley for some social gatherings in the covered landings this winter now they can finally put it to use.

Thanks again to all those who donated to this initiative.


See: Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Rebuilding and Worldchanging

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