I noticed it within minutes. I would check and there it wasn't. I was free! I'm talking about the notification bar spanning the top of every smartphone, and after only a few minutes with the MP 01, I had escaped it's nattering, nagging presence in my life.
My smartphone had become like a endless garden that constantly needed weeding, preening and way too much of my time, but this was a welcome break. Punkt. phone in hand, I headed out for a weekend with my family, some camping, and romping around in parks and playgrounds. What I found was renewed focus and an ability to be present in the moment.
No worrying about snaps, tweets or chats. Want a photo of the kids? Take a camera – yes, a big "old" one, but you'll be glad. The pictures come out better, and you're not left feverishly tapping away trying to get it sent to grandma before your siblings do. You'll get to that when they're down for a nap. The likes, loves and retweets can wait. They really can.
I also became aware of how glued everyone else is to their phones, and how piercing that bubble has become increasingly awkward. Smartphones are the go-to gap filler for those silent moments that dot the day, and striking up a conversation with a friend or parent nearby was a bumpy process.
I always thought I was a light smartphone user, but was amazed and how often I found myself thinking “Oh, I'll just look that up right... no, I won’t.” Perhaps a dozen times every hour or so. If it really was important, a quick call or text could provide the answer. MP 01 to the rescue.
Thanks Punkt.!
~ J. Alex Cooney
Twitter @jalexcooney
Instagram @jalexcooney
PS - my setup Stateside was T-Mobile and I tied the phone to my Google Voice account. Used this to redirect calls, texts and voicemails so they would be accessible on the phone, but also on laptop later. It worked out really well :)