Using the MP01 is like suddenly being whisked from a polluted, hyper-stimulated over-branded Oxford Street to the side of a deep blue lake surrounded by distant mountains and drawing in a long breath of crisp, fresh air. It’s like stepping from the hustle and bustle of central Amsterdam into the magical quiet of its Begijnhof, at least for a moment. It's changed the way I live my day - I'm taking different photographs, reading differently, drawing and thinking more. I still use social media, but I relegate it to the beginning and end of day. I take more care with my time, my attention. It counterpoints my iPad beautifully, just as a meaningful piece of music has both loud and quiet. Constant connection is meaning-less. Of course any smartphone can be flicked to airport mode, or simply ignored with sufficient willpower, but just as a smoker trying to give up just needs the cigarettes as far away as possible, the deliberately limited MP01's intense focus on focus - minimum viable communication - almost creates a halo of more usable space around this humble little device. What you do with that is up to you - but what a gift to give.
Dan Hill, City of Sound