48 hour digital detox challenge was great. So great, in fact, that now it turned into a 72 hour digital detox challenge. And counting. I am on my holiday now and being able to pack light, leave chargers and cables at home and bring only this phone with me was a revelation. Also, a life without notifications is a life worth living. I was amazed how much time I saved by not being constantly interrupted by them. Or to be more precise, being interrupted only when I chose to. I think to me this is what MP 01 comes down to – it gives you back the control over your interaction with the world. It also gives you a chance to re-evaluate your priorities: do you really need to check emails every 15 minutes, or to have a phone at a dinner table, or to reach for it every time you have a break?
I could honestly say that my quality of life has increased in the past few days and the fact that all it took was this little device is astonishing. Thank you for your hard work creating this device and good luck with your mission to use great design to change people's lives for the better.
Kind Regards,
Tomas Tvarijonas
Twitter @tvarijonas